Using agent-based simulations for real-world applications

Graz University of Technology     |     Complexity Science Hub Vienna

Jana Lasser     |     |     @janalasser

Spring 2020


12 nursing homes in Vienna and Lower Austria

between 35 and over 100 inhabitants

several severe outbreaks in early 2020

How can inhabitants be protected?

Model of a nursing home ward

Model of a nursing home ward

Model of a nursing home ward

Model of a nursing home ward

Model of a nursing home ward

What else do we know about the situation?

We know (roughly) how the virus behaves.

Residents are confined to the home, the virus enters via employees.

There are different testing technologies around.

We can test (and quarantine) individuals reactively or preventively.

We can test residents ("costly") and/or employees.

Research question: what is the best testing strategy?

Why agent-based simulation?

Compartment models (like SIR) assume homogeneous distributions and attributes. The reality in the home is very heterogeneous.


The number of contacts (node degree) and contact intensity is not uniform. Different agent types have different contact patterns: Employees meet all inhabitants, inhabitants only meet selected inhabitants.


Measures (and contact patterns) can vary in time: we only want to test the home population every X days.

Agent attributes

A variety of attributes can differ between agents and crucially influence infection transmission: immune status, epidemiological parameters (superspreaders), age, ...


(I) Building an agent-based model of infection spread in a nursing home to inform policy decisions.

(II) Testing different intervention scenarios in schools and universities.

(III) Agent-based modelling of healthcare system resilience.

Ingredients for an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2

Ingredients for an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2

Ingredients for an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2

Ingredients for an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2

Model of the infection

When is an agent infectious?

How infectious is an agent at a point in time?

When does an agent show symptoms?

Model of the infection

Walsh K. A., Jordan K., Clyne B., et al. SARS-CoV-2 detection, viral load and infectivity over the course of an infection: SARS-CoV-2 detection, viral load and infectivity. Journal of Infection (2020).

Model of the infection

Lasser, J. Small community SEIRX package v1.4.2. Python Package Index (2022).

Model of the infection

Lasser, J. Small community SEIRX package v1.4.2. Python Package Index (2022).

Model of the infection

Lasser, J. Small community SEIRX package v1.4.2. Python Package Index (2022).

Model of the infection

Lasser, J. Small community SEIRX package v1.4.2. Python Package Index (2022).

Model of the infection

Ferretti, L. et al. Quantifying SARS-COV-2 transmission suggests epidemic control with digital contact tracing. Science (2020).

Linton, M. N. et al. Incubation period and other epidemiological characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infections with right truncation: a statistical analysis of publicly available case data. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020).

Lauer, S. A. et al. The incubation period of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) from publicly reported confirmed cases: estimation and application.. Annals of Internal Medicine (2020).

Contact network

Which other agents does an agent meet?

When do the contacts occur?

How intense are the contacts?

Contact types

Agent types Interaction Duration Proximity Type
inhabitant - inhabitant sharing a room very long very close household
inhabitant - inhabitant meals at same table long close K1
employee - inhabitant caring for inhabitant long close K1
all - all hallway meeting short far K2

Contact network of a nursing home

Contact network of a nursing home

Contact network of a nursing home

Contact network of a nursing home

Contact network of a nursing home

Simulation of infection dynamics

Simulation of infection dynamics

Simulation of infection dynamics

How do we make sure that what we simulate reflects reality?


Which are the free parameters in our model?

How do outbreaks look in reality?

Which parameter values reproduce the "real" outbreaks?

Simulation of infection dynamics

Which mechanisms influence the transmission probability?

Two agents meet: is there a transmission?

[1] He et al. 2020 Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of Covid-19.

Transmission probability p

[1] He et al. 2020 Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of Covid-19.

Transmission probability p

[1] He et al. 2020 Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of Covid-19.

Transmission probability p

[1] He et al. 2020 Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of Covid-19.

Transmission probability p

[2] Byambasuren, O. et al. 2020 Estimating the extent of asymptomatic Covid-19 and its potential for community transmission: systematic review and metaanalysis.

Transmission probability p

[1] He et al. 2020 Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of Covid-19.

Calibrating household Secondary Attack Rate (SAR)

Calibrating household Secondary Attack Rate (SAR)

Calibrating household Secondary Attack Rate (SAR)

Calibrating household Secondary Attack Rate (SAR)

Calibrating household Secondary Attack Rate (SAR)

Remaining free parameters

Empirical outbreak data

Circumstances at time of data collection:
no vaccinations, no masks, no testing, wild type virus.

Simulated outbreak dynamics

Create an ensemble of simulation runs.

Optimal contact intensity

Non-room contacts are 87% less likely to transmit an infection.
Tried to differentiate table & ward contacts: doesn't work.

No remaining free parameters

Intervention measures for nursing homes

Preventive testing

Tests of employees and/or inhabitants every X days

Positive agents and their close contacts are isolated

Try different testing technologies

Aim: find an optimal testing strategy (e.g. few infected inhabitants)

Infected inhabitants in different scenarios

Different test technologies & turnover times

Optimal testing strategy

Adding vaccinations to the mix

Vaccinations reduce infection and transmission probability.

A percentage of employees and/or inhabitants can be vaccinated.

Testing & vaccinations

Virus variants

Summary of results

Our agent-based simulation allowed us to develop an optimal testing strategy for nursing homes that could easily be adapted to changing circumstances.

Agent-based simulations are useful when things are inhomogeneous.

Heterogeneous contact patterns.

Complex intervention scenarios.

Time variation in contact patterns and measures.

Empirical data is key to making sure simulations reflect reality.

Modelling choices should be informed by domain experts.

Contact networks should be empirically measured or at least based on domain knowledge.

Simulation parameters have to be calibrated to empirical observations.

Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies Lasser et al., J. R. Soc. Interface (2021).

(II) Testing different intervention scenarios in schools and universities

Contact network of a primary school

Contact network of a primary school

Contact network of a primary school

Contact network of a primary school

Contact network of a primary school

Contact network of a secondary school

School model: additional model components

Infection dynamics involve children: age-dependence of transmission risk.

Additional measures: masks, room ventilation, cohorting.

Transmission risk in the school context

Assumption: q2 = q3 = qage.

Model qage as linear decrease in infection risk for every year younger than 18.

Transmission risk in the school context

Assumption: q2 = q3 = qage.

Model qage as linear decrease in infection risk for every year younger than 18.

Transmission risk in the school context

Assumption: q2 = q3 = qage.

Model qage as linear decrease in infection risk for every year younger than 18.

The data

536 clusters* with 3342 cases recorded in Austrian schools between
2020-08-31 and 2020-11-02 collected by AGES.

Age School type Clusters Cases
< 10 years primary 67 286
10-15 years lower secondary 180 762
> 15 years upper secondary 116 388
> 10 years secondary 70 810
otherwise inconclusive 103 1097

*"school cluster": at least two cases of which at least one transmission ocurred in a school context.

Data available at

Cluster size distributions

Clusters in secondary schools are much larger than in other school types.

Student case distributions

Ratio of asymptomatic cases*

*Follow-up to exclude initially pre-symptomatic cases.

Conditions in autumn 2020

  • Infection detected: isolation and quarantine of all K1 contacts.
  • Rigorous testing of K2 contacts: all students in the same class.
  • No mask mandate in schools yet.
  • No air ventilation, preventive testing or class cohorting.
  • Strict measures to prevent mixing between classes.
  • Original SARS-CoV-2 strain was circulating.
  • Error term to optimize

    Simulations for all school types:
    (-) Draw source cases from known distribution of teachers and students.
    (-) Use known age-dependence of asymptomatic infections.
    (-) Simulate with known conditions at data collection time.

    Calibration of contact strength & age dependence

    The minimum represents the optimal parameter combination.

    Weight of non-household contact: 0.30 [0.26; 0.34]

    Age dependence: -0.005 [-0.0225; 0.0], e.g. -0.5% per year younger than 18.

    Intervention measures for schools

    Situation: spring 2021, 80% vaccinated teachers, ~50% vaccinated children.

    Aim: find optimal measure combinations

    Preventive testing: teachers and/or students are tested 1x or 2x a week.

    Cohorting: Only 50% of students are present, cohorts alternate.

    Ventilation: Airing rooms for 10 min every hour.

    Masks: teachers and/or students wear masks.

    Results (delta)

    Two measures are enough to prevent large outbreaks.

    Results (delta)

    Two measures are enough to prevent large outbreaks.

    Results (delta)

    Two measures are enough to prevent large outbreaks.

    Results (delta)

    Two measures on top of TTI are enough to prevent large outbreaks.

    Results (delta)

    Secondary schools need three measures on top of TTI or seasonal effects.

    Comparison Delta vs. Omicron

    Comparison Delta vs. Omicron

    What about Universities?

    We can re-use the calibration from schools but have no contact network.

    Idea: use TU Graz online to re-construct the student contact network.

    Contact network of TU Graz

    Intervention measures for TU Graz

    Is presence teaching feasible?

    Occupancy reduction: lecture halls are occupied to 25%, 50% or 100% (blue dots, green dots).

    Masks: students and lecturers all wear masks (or don't wear masks).

    Vaccination: Almost everybody is vaccinated but Omicron evades immunity -> different vaccine effectiveness levels.

    Results (Omicron)

    Results (Omicron)

    Results (Omicron)

    Results (Delta)


    (1) Nursing homes: keeping inhabitants safe without vaccinations

    Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies Lasser et al. (2021).

    (2) Schools: different measures for different school types

    Assessing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures in schools by means of agent-based simulations calibrated to cluster tracing data Lasser et al. (2022).

    (3) Universities (TU Graz): presence teaching during Omicron?

    Assessment of the effectiveness of Omicron transmission mitigation strategies for European universities using an agent-based network model Lasser et al. (2022).


    Publication Code Data
    Python package SCSEIRX GitHub agent_based_COVID_SEIRX -
    Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies GitHub nursing_home_SEIRX
    Assessing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures in schools by means of agent-based simulations calibrated to cluster tracing data GitHub school_SEIRX
    Assessment of the effectiveness of Omicron transmission mitigation strategies for European universities using an agent-based network model GitHub uni_SEIRX

    (III) Agent-based modelling of healthcare resilience


    Resident doctors can be hard to find

    aging population (retirement)

    rural depopulation

    short-term shocks (COVID-19)

    Which regions and specialisations are
    most at risk of severe shortages?

    Image credit: Yurii Karvatskyi

    Naive approach

    Counting doctors per patient and region.

    Issues with this approach:

    heterogeneous doctor capacity

    heterogeneous doctor distribution & accessibility

    different scenarios: fast (COVID) vs. slow (retirement) shocks

    More sophisticated approach

    Encode accessibility and distribution of doctors in a patient sharing network and simulate patient dynamics for different scenarios.


    When patients loose their doctor, they are more likely to go to a doctor they had already visited in the past.

    When patients don't find a doctor for a long time, they "drop out" of the (resident) healthcare system.

    Constructing a patient sharing network

    Comprehensive records of visits to resident doctors in Austria in 2018 aggregated with opening hour information from

    Characteristics of selected specialities

    Speciality Doctors Opening hours / week Patients per quarter
    General medicine 4967 19 (±6) 2949 (±2246)
    Internal medicine 1058 22 (±6) 1601 (±3424)
    Psychiatry 161 21 (±5) 1056 (±1115)
    Paediatrics 336 21 (±6) 2212 (±1788)
    Dermatology 290 21 (±4) 2660 (±2179)
    Radiology 424 42 (±10) 3759 (±4283)

    Patient relocation simulation (one speciality)

    Initial condition: all patients have a doctor

    1. Some doctors are removed to simulate a shock.

    2. Each patient that lost their doctor selects a new doctor with probability p, where p ~ N patients shared with original doctor.

    3. Each doctor accepts new patients until the capacity is filled.

    4. Steps 2. and 3. are repeated for a maximum of 10 times or until each patient has a new doctor.

    5. Patients that haven't found a new doctor are lost.

    Recovery after removing 15% of doctors

    Recovery after removing 15% of doctors

    Impact of large shocks on different specialists

    How many doctors can we remove?

    Removing one doctor in each time step until 1% of patients are lost.

    How many doctors can we remove?

    Removing one doctor in each time step until 1% of patients are lost.

    How many doctors can we remove?

    Removing one doctor in each time step until 1% of patients are lost.

    Summary of results

    The patient sharing network encodes accessibility and doctor distribution.

    Comprehensive health record data allows us to simulate a situation that is directly applicable to the situation in Austria.

    Simulating fast and slow shocks allows us to find different limits of the healthcare system, differentiated by speciality and region.

    Stress-testing the resilience of the Austrian healthcare system using agent-based simulation Kaleta & Lasser et al., Nature Communications (2022).

    Final thoughts

    Agent-based simulations are a powerful tool to investigate complex systems.

    Constructing simulations such that they are useful for real-world inferences requires a lot of domain knowledge and data.

    Collaboration with domain experts is key for impactful research.
