I am a Professor for Data Analysis at University of Graz and lead the research group of Complex Social & Computational Systems at the interdisciplinary center IDea_Lab. I am also Associate Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.
I research emergent phenomena in complex social systems, employing methods from machine learning, data science, natural language processing and computational and statistical modelling to understand how humans behave in socio-technical environments. My current research interests include the effectiveness of counterspeech strategies and the spread of misinformation on social media platforms, the fracturing or our society's understanding of "honesty" and the impact of social media recommendation algorithms on societal outcomes.
For my PhD in physics, I conducted research on pattern formation in salt deserts at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and received my degree from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany in 2019. After a PostDoc at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, a stay at the Graz University of Technology as Marie Curie Fellow, and a short stint at RWTH Aachen as interim professor for Computational Social Sciences and Humanities, I joined the University of Graz in 2024.
Next to my research I care deeply about scientific integrity and how the scientific community functions and dysfunctions in this context. I improve reproducibility and transparency of research by being an outspoken and active proponent of Open Science practices. As leader of the survey group within the COST Action on Researcher Mental Health and founding member of the Network Against Abuse of Power in Science I drive systemic change to improve the conditions under which science is conducted.
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Email: jana.lasser@uni-graz.at
The spread of online misinformation is increasingly perceived as a major problem for societal cohesion and democracy. Much attention has focused on the role of social media as a vector of misinformation. The role of political leaders has attracted less research attention, even though leaders demonstrably influence media coverage and public opinion, and even though politicians who “speak their mind” are perceived by segments of the public as authentic and honest even if their statements are unsupported by evidence or facts. In this project we show that in the last decade, politicians’ concept of truth has undergone a distinct shift, with authentic but evidence-free belief-speaking becoming more prominent and more differentiated from evidence-based truth seeking. more...
We analyze communications by members of the U.S. Congress on Twitter between 2011 and 2022 and show that political speech has fractured into two distinct components related to belief-speaking and evidence-based truth-seeking, respectively, and that belief-speaking is related to spreading of untrustworthy information. We show that for Republicans – but not Democrats – an increase of belief-speaking of 10% is associated with a decrease of 12.8 points of quality (NewsGuard scoring system) in the sources shared in a tweet. Conversely, an increase in truth-seeking language is associated with an increase in quality of sources for both parties. The results support the hypothesis that the current dissemination of misinformation in political discourse is in part driven by an alternative understanding of truth and honesty that emphasizes invocation of subjective belief at the expense of reliance on evidence.
Hatespeech is an increasingly common phenomenon on social media platforms. Oftentimes, organized right-wing troll groups band together to attack profiles and comments of celebrities or news organisations. Next to content deletion, counterspeech can be an effective means to steer the conversation away from toxicity and hate. In this project, we want to assess the effectiveness of a range of different counterspeech strategies. In this project, we collaborate with Mirta Galesic and Joshua Garland to identify counterspeech strategies as well as their social context in a large corpus of tweets. more...
The corpus consists of tweets by the hatespeech group "Reconquista Germanica" and the organized counterspeech group "Reconquista Internet", that were active on German Twitter between 2017 and 2019. We train a machine learning classifier to automatically detect different counterspeech strategies such as asking questions or pointing out consequences, as well as the speeche's social context, such as whether it targets a member of the outgroup or whether its aim is to strengthen the ingroup. We also measure language toxicity and several other indicators of threatening language to assess how effective different counterspeech strategies are in various social contexts.
Previous research shows that low levels of wellbeing and mental health problems have a negative impact on individual, team and organizational performance, triggering significant costs. In addition, institutional context, organizational structure and culture, as well as managerial practices have significant impact on wellbeing and health of employees. Therefore, general insights on the causes of workplace wellbeing and mental health need to be refined with contextual specifics (i.e. in academia) in order to develop tailored, effective and efficient prevention and action programs. more...
Within the COST action Researcher Mental Health Observatory (ReMO), together with Stefan Mol I lead the effort to conduct the largest ever survey on the mental health of academics and its contextual antecedents. The field phase of the survey will start in February 2023 and is expected to last for several months. We also plan to repeat the survey every two years to build a benchmark data set of the mental health of academics in Europe. The results of the survey will inform policy makers on the most effective interventions to improve the mental health of academics across countries and institutions.
In this project, we collaborate with Mirta Galesic and her team at the Santa Fe Institute. We use data from a unique natural experiment that occured in Germany several years ago: in this natural experiment, both hate- and counterspeech groups organised their activity on Twitter and self-labelled as members of the respective groups. We automatically identify different counterspeech strategies using multilingual transformer models fine-tuned to a labelled dataset and identify the impact of each strategy on the ensuing conversation on Twitter.
In this project I created an agent based simulation to explore the spread of COVID-19 in "small" communities, such as nursing homes schools and universities. The model combines the interaction of individual agents with a contact network of people that live or work in the given community. The model offers the possibility to explore the effectiveness of various testing, tracing and quarantine strategies. In addition, non-pharmaceutical intervention measures such as wearing masks and ventilating rooms as well as different levels of vaccine effectiveness and vaccination rates can be explored. Different virus variants can be modelled very flexibly by adapting the epidemiological parameters of the virus. more...
The model simulates several types of agents, for example students and teachers in the school context. Agents have explicitly defined contact networks that are defined through their daily interactions. The contact network defines which agents interact with which other agents and different contact venues modulate infection transmission risk. For example infection risk is drastically increased for agents that share a household, as compared to interactions that occur in the school. In every step (day) of the simulation, agents interact according to their interaction rules and can transmit an infection. Depending on their infection state, an agent has one of five states: susceptible (S), exposed (E), infected (I), removed (R) or quarantined (X). In addition, agents can develop symptoms, can be testable and can have a pending test result (tested). The simulation is calibrated using empirical observations of outbreaks in the respective context. After the simulation is calibrated, it allows for the implementation of different prevention strategies and combinations thereof in what we call "scenarios". For every scenario, we then introduce a single infection into the community and observe how far it spreads. By performing many of these simulations, we get an overview of the likelihood of large outbreaks. This can be summarized by the "effective R number" of a scenario, i.e. the average number of people the initially infected person infects. If this number is smaller than one, we call the situation "controlled". This does not mean that there can't be the occasional large outbreak, but on average the risk for further transmission in the given context is small.
Personalized medicine holds great promise for the treatment of complex and multifaceted diseases such as cancer and diabetes these days. In this project I use a large collection of data about dairy cattle, ranging from feed information about farm management and weather to diagnoses, to devise a paradigm framework for the integration of many information streams to predict diseases. In this project I hope to both make dairy farming more animal friendly and efficient and gain new insights for personalized medicine in humans. more...
The idea behind the buzzword “personalized medicine” is to integrate all available information about a single patient to devise a prediction for possible disease outcomes and treatments. The information that could be used for such an endeavour includes biomedical data such as bloodwork or incidence of previous diseases but also information about the general way of life of the patient, such as living conditions, demographics and exercise. Dairy cattle make a good paradigm for such an endeavour, as these animals live in a highly controlled and monitored environment that is rich in data sources. On the other hand, data about cows is easier to handle in a proof of concept, as it is not as sensible as health data of humans.
In collaboration with Peter Klimek's group at the CSH I employ a mixed methods approach of random forests to predict diseases such as ketosis and lameness and multivariate regression models to explain the influence of single variables. Next to its use as a paradigm for personalized medicine in humans, this project is of course also of great interest to the dairy cattle industry, as it holds the promise of improving the wellbeing of cows and therefore efficiency of farms.
Emotions such as happiness, sadness, anxiety and gratefulness accompany us in our daily life. The duration and order in which we experience these emotions can reveal a great deal of insight about the state of our mental health. Using data of consenting users of the emotional health assistant Youper I work with David Garcia to uncover how emotion dynamics influence depression and anxiety. more...
Using the emotional health assistant app Youper, people can track the emotions they experience and their intensity on a regular basis. Using this data for scientific purposes has great value, since it is a rich data set of thousands of users from different countries, with different demographic backgrounds and detailed descriptions of their emotional state. A change in the frequency of switches between certain emotions can herald the onset of a mental health disorder, whereas other emotions are indicative of an improvement in mental health condition. Insights into the influence of emotion dynamics promise new ways to predict changes in mental health state and improve the measures counsellors or emotional health assistant apps can take.
Research outputs
From fairy circles to patterned ground and columnar joints, natural patterns spontaneously appear in many complex geophysical settings. As part of my research at the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Lucas Goehring's group I shed light on the origins of polygonally patterned crusts of salt playa and salt pans. These beautifully regular features, approximately a meter in diameter, are found worldwide and are fundamentally important to the transport of salt and dust in arid regions. For my PhD thesis I have combined results from direct field observations, analogue experiments, linear stability theory and numerical simulations to show that the patterns are likely caused by buoyancy-driven convection in the porous soil beneath a salt crust. more...
Salt deserts are not dry - oftentimes the groundwater table reaches up until directly under the salt crust at the top. As their environment is commonly very hot and dry, water constantly evaporates at a high rate through the crust at the surface. As the water evaporates, salt is left behind and accumulates below the surface, forming a layer of saltier and therefore denser and heavier water. For certain conditions, this configuration (heavy salty water on top of light fresh water) becomes unstable and starts convective motion: the salty water sinks down while the fresh water rises to the surface. Convective dynamics are known to form hexagonal patterns and we have shown that the underground below salt patterns shows characteristic salinity distributions indicative of a convective process underneath the pattern.
In our research, we were also able to show that a fast coarsening of the dynamics with time makes the length scale of the expressed patterns independent of the environmental parameters such as soil permeability or the evaporation rate. Lastly, the crust itself interact with the evaporation through the surface that drives the convective motion by inhibiting evaporation at the salt ridges. This helps to "pin" the convection rolls in place and stabilizes the dynamics so intricate salt patterns can grow on the surface.
Transport networks are ubiquitous in nature: blood vessels, neurons or veins in plant leaves all transport a quantity or signal that is crucial for an organism to thrive. These networks have evolved over time together with their host organisms. They feature optimized properties such as resilience to damage and transport efficiency. To compare network models with real-life network implementations, the availability of high-quality data is of great importance. This is where my research comes in more...
For my bachelor's thesis, I developed NET, the Network Extraction Tool (code). NET is a freely available, fully Open Source program developed in Python. It can be used to turn digital images of two-dimensional networks into a graph composed of nodes and edges. This creatly compresses the representation of the network while keeping the important information about connections, node positions and edge widths intact.
Using transport networks extracted from high resolution scans of plant leaves, it is possible to classify plants based on the topology and geometry of their transport networks. Next to leaf geometry and size, the network architecture constitutes a new dimension in the phenotypic space of leaves. Evolutionarily younger leaves tend to express more reticulate networks that have a higher resistence to damage at the cost of a higher material need to construct the network. Insights into the properties and evolution of these networks can be used to inform the design of human networks such as the Tokyo subway.
Another application of NET was the extraction of network information from microscopy images of Drosophila trachea. In my master's thesis I analysed the trachea networks of fruit fly larvae and developed metrics to quantify the impact of different gene knockouts on network growth in early developmental stages.
PublicationsTogether with Ivan Smirnov from RWTH Aachen I developed and taught this two-week summer school. The summer school aims to teach approaches and methods of Computational Social Science as well as to give an insight into current research topics in this field. Our target audience was an international group of students with a broad range of backgrounds from psychology, journalism and geography to applied math, physics and computer science. Details about the content and speakers are available on the course website. All course materials are available under an open license for re-use.
Together with David Garcia, I co-taught this semester-long course of the new master's programme for Computational Social Systems at Graz University of Technology. The aim of this course is to teach computational models for social systems. Models include the game of life, agent-based models and network models. Students learn how to design and implement computational models in Python. All course materials are available under an open license for re-use.
Together with David Garcia, I co-taught this semester-long flagship course of the new master's programme for Computational Social Systems at Graz University of Technology. The aim of this course is to teach the conceptual and computational foundations of the field of Computational Social Science to an audience of students with a variety of backgrounds, randing from psychology, law, economics and social science to computer science. All course materials are available under an open license for re-use.
Together with my colleague Hannah Metzler I developed a course to teach "digitization in research" to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers working at the Ludwig Boltzmann Society. The aim of this two-day block course is to teach early career researchers the basics of a number of digital methods in research, ranging from the finding and management of information, over the management of collaboration and implementation of reproducible research agendas to the communication of research through non-traditional means. All course materials are available under an open license for re-use.
Together with colleagues from the Centre for Statistics in Göttingen I developed a course to teach "Data Literacy" to entry level students at the University of Göttingen. The aim of the course is to teach students basic knowledge and practical skills to be able to handle, explore and analyse data and make data driven decisions. The course is split into an introduction to Python - the programming language that is used to perform data handling and analysis tasks - and case studies for different disciplines. All course materials are available in German and English under an open license for re-use. We have published our experiences with the implementation of a novel Data Science curriculum in a series of three blog posts and a publication.
During my time as doctoral researcher at the University of Göttingen and the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, I developed and taught several introductory level courses to programming in Python. I also taught such a programming course specifically "from women for women" which was a great experience. All course materials are available in English and German under an open license for re-use.
Programming is one of my favourite activities. One of the appeals for me is that it is actually a rather easy and forgiving process, since it gives instantaneous feedback if something works and has a large and supportive community that can help with every problem imaginable. Nevertheless, it is often very hard to get people who never wrote a line of code to give it a try, since it oftentimes seems scary and too hard to learn. To solve this problem, I have started to host "live hack sessions" where I, together with a handful of programming novices, sit down for a couple of hours and we solve an easy but hopefully interesting problem together, using Python. The first of these sessions about analysis of Tweet data of Donald Trump, Russian trolls and normal Twitter users is available here and free to be re-used.
When I was in my undergrad and I first learned about the process of publishing science, my mind was blown. I could not understand how researchers payed by tax money create research, which is then taken by big, for-profit publishing companies and hidden behind a paywall. This motivated me to get into Open Science and start doing something about the situation. At first my interest was focused on Open Access, but quickly was joined by my habit of Open Sourcing my code and creating Open Educational Resources. During my PhD and as part of my service as president of the Max Planck PhDnet I got interested in research integrity. These days I think that employing Open Science practices in research workflows is a great tool to foster good science and research integrity.
In the years 2019/20 I was an "Open Knowledge" fellow of the Wikimedia foundation, which allowed me to explore a longstanding fascination of mine more deeply: the executable paper. The executable paper is a scientific publication as a dynamic piece of software that combines text, raw data, and the code used for the analysis, that a reader can interact with and that makes the process of the generation of insights transparent. For me it is a way to remedy the problem of non-transparent (and even sloppy) research and support data availability and transparency of methods. I wrote a series of blogposts about how to create an executable paper and what I learned in the process. The result of my work - an executable version of one of my publications about pattern formation in salt deserts is online and ready to be explored .
I strive to make all my code openly accessible on my GitHub profile. Most notably I published the software package small community SEIRX , a software package in Python for the simulation of disease spread in small human communities. During my undergrad, I wrote NET , a software package in Python to extract graphs from high-resolution images of networks. Feel free to open issues in the respective repositories if you find bugs or have trouble re-using something I created!
Similar to code I create, I make teaching resources I create openly accessible and re-usable on my GitHub profile. So far, I have created
As part of my efforts to improve the environment in which research is conducted, I joined the COST action "Researcher Mental Health Observatory" (ReMO) as national member for Austria. Within the COST action, I lead the Survey Special Interest group together with Stefan Mol. Our aim is to conduct the largest ever benchmark on researcher mental health. If you are interested in joining the effort, please get in touch at ReMO-Survey@tib.eu.
Following my engagement against power abuse in academia as a president of the Max Planck PhDnet, I co-founded the Network against Abuse of Power in Science" (MaWi), where I currently act as board member and treasurer. The network aims to offer institution-independent support for researchers that are affected by power abuse. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to contact us at kontakt@netzwerk-mawi.de.
During my time as doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, I served as representative for the doctoral researcher community for many years. In 2018 , I was spokesperson of the Max Planck PhDnet, an organization that represents the over 5000 doctoral researchers of the Max Planck Society. During my time as spokesperson, several scandals about power abuse in academia shook the Max Planck Society. This motivated me, together with colleagues, to write a white paper about power abuse and conflict resolution in academia and give several interviews about the subject.
@article{carrella2025different, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-025-56753-6}, year = {2025}, month = {1}, journal = {Nature Communications}, volume = {16}, page = {1409}, author = {Fabio Carrella and Segun T. Aroyehun and Jana Lasser and Almog Simchon and David Garcia and Stephan Lewandowsky}, title = {Different honesty conceptions align across US politicians' tweets and public replies} }
@article{robertson2025alternative, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=5110925}, year = {2025}, month = {1}, journal = {SSRN}, author = {Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson and Jana Lasser}, title = {Alternative Recommendation Algorithms as an Antitrust Remedy in Digital (Democracy) Cases } }
@article{wagne2025giving, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2025.2452273}, year = {2025}, month = {1}, journal = {Information, Communication & Society}, author = {Ahmadou Wagne and Elen Le Foll and Florentine Frantz and Jana Lasser}, title = {Giving the outrage a name – how researchers are challenging employment conditions under the hashtags #IchBinHanna and #IchBinReyhan} }
@article{luehring2025best, url = {https://doi.org/10.51685/jqd.2025.003}, year = {2025}, month = {1}, journal = {Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media}, author = {Jula Luehring and Hannah Metzler and Ruggero M. Lazzaroni and Apeksha Shetty and Jana Lasser}, title = {Best practices for source-based research on misinformation and news trustworthiness using NewsGuard} }
@article{herderich2024measuring, url = {https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tzc9p}, year = {2024}, month = {9}, journal = {PsyArXiv}, author = {Alina Herderich and Jana Lasser and Mirta Galesic and Segun Aroyehun and David Garcia and Joshua Garland}, title = {Measuring complex psychological and sociological constructs in large-scale text} }
@article{smaldino2024information, url = {https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/c7vrw}, year = {2024}, month = {9}, journal = {SocArXiv}, author = {Paul E. Smaldino and Adam Russell and Matthew Zefferman and Judith Donath and Jacob Foster and Douglas Guilbeault and Martin Hilbert and Elizabeth A. Hobson and Kristina Lerman and Helena Miton and Cody Moser and Jana Lasser and Sonja Schmer-Galunder and Jacob N Shapiro and Qiankun Zhong and Dan Patt}, title = {Information Architectures: A Framework for Understanding Socio-Technical Systems} }
@article{lasser2024prekaer, url = {https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/essays/essays2024/e24_04.php?consent=1}, year = {2024}, month = {7}, journal = {Laborjournal}, author = {Jana Lasser and Kerstin Lenk and Nicole Merkle and Mareen Czekalla}, title = {Prekär beschäftigt die eigenen Interessen vertreten? Das spießt sich!} }
@article{aroyehun2024computational, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2405.07323}, year = {2024}, month = {5}, journal = {arXiv}, author = {Segun T. Aroyehun and Almog Simchon and Fabio Carrella and Jana Lasser and Stephan Lewandowsky and David Garcia}, title = {Computational analysis of US Congressional speeches reveals a shift from evidence to intuition} }
@article{wagne2024giving, url = {https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/4y863}, year = {2024}, month = {1}, journal = {SocArXiv}, author = {Ahmadou Wagne and Elen Le Foll and Florentine Frantz and Jana Lasser}, title = {Giving the outrage a name – how researchers are challenging employment conditions under the hashtags \#IchBinHanna and \#IchBinReyhan} }
@article{urman2024right, url = {https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-024-00454-5}, year = {2024}, month = {3}, journal = {EPJ data science}, volume = {13}, author = {Aleksandra Urman and Ivan Smirnov and Jana Lasser}, title = {The right to audit and the asymmetry of power in computational social science research} }
@incollection{leising2024massnahmen, url = {https://www.wbv.de/shop/Perspektiven-fuer-Hanna-I73576}, year = {2024}, month = {2}, booktitle = {Perspektiven für Hanna: Dauerstellen für Daueraufgaben"}, author = {Daniel Leising and Susanne Täuber and Jana Lasser}, title = {Maßnahmen gegen Machtmissbrauch in Hochschule und Forschung}, publisher = {wbv Publikationen}, volume = {128}, pages = {179--184} }
@article{carella2023truth, url = {https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qx34w}, year = {2023}, journal = {PsyArXiv}, author = {Fabio Carrella and Segun T. Aroyehun and Jana Lasser and Almog Simchon and David Garcia and Stephan Lewandowsky}, title = {The "Truth Contagion" Effect in the USPolitical Online Debate} }
@article{lasser2023alternative, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01691-w}, year = {2023}, month = {9}, journal = {Nature Human Behaviour}, author = {Jana Lasser and Segun Taofeek Aroyehun and Fabio Carrella and Almog Simchon and David Garcia and Stephan Lewandowsky}, title = {From Alternative conceptions of honesty to alternative facts in communications by U.S. politicians} }
@article{lin2023high, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad286}, year = {2023}, month = {9}, journal = {PNAS nexus}, author = {Hause Lin and Jana Lasser and Stephan Lewandowsky and Rocky Cole and Andrew Gully and David G. Rand and Gordon Pennycook}, title = {High level of agreement across different news domain quality ratings} }
@article{pfeffer2023sample, url = {https://doi.org/10.1609/icwsm.v17i1.22215}, year = {2023}, month = {6}, journal = {Proceedings of the 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media}, author = {Juergen Pfeffer and Daniel Matter and Kokil Jaidka and Onur Varol and Afra Mashhadi and Jana Lasser and Dennis Assenmacher and Siqi Wu and Diyi Yang and Cornelia Brandtner and Daniel M. Romero and Jahna Otterbacher and Casten Schwemmer and Kenneth Joseph and David Garcia and Fred Morstatter}, title = {Just Another Day on Twitter: A Complete 24 Hours of Twitter Data} }
@article{lasser2023sample, url = {https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/ICWSM/article/view/22182}, year = {2023}, month = {6}, journal = {Proceedings of the 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media}, author = {Juergen Pfeffer and Angelina Mooseder and Jana Lasser and Luca Hammer and Oliver Stritzel and David Garcia}, title = {This Sample seems to be good enough! Assessing Coverage and Temporal Reliability of Twitter's Academic API} }
@article{lasser2023collective, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.00357}, year = {2023}, month = {2}, journal = {arXiv}, author = {Jana Lasser and Alina Herderich and Joshua Garland and Segun Taofeek Aroyehun and David Garcia and Mirta Galesic}, title = {Collective moderation of hate, toxicity, and extremity in online discussions} }
@article{lasser2023machtmissbrauch, url = {https://www.personalentwicklung-wissenschaft.de/de/handbuch/gliederung/#/Beitragsdetailansicht/312/3672/Machtmissbrauch-in-der-Wissenschaft---Problembeschreibung-und-Loesungsansaetze-fuer-Personalverwaltung-und-Personalentwicklung}, year = {2023}, month = {3}, author = {Jana Lasser and Susanne Täuber}, title = {Machtmissbrauch in der Wissenschaft: Problembeschreibung und Lösungsansätze für Personalverwaltung und Personalentwicklung}, journal={Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln} }
@article{lasser2023salt, url = {https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.13.011025}, year = {2023}, month = {2}, journal = {PRX}, author = {Jana Lasser and Jo Nield and Marcel Ernst and Volker Karius and Matthew Threadgold and Cédric Beaume and Lucas Goehring}, title = {Salt Polygons and Porous Media Convection} }
@article{lasser2022maposr, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.121665.1}, year = {2022}, month = {11}, journal = {F1000 research}, author = {Jana Lasser and Jürgen Schneider and Thomas Lösch and Ronny Röwert and Tamara Heck and Clemens Bluemel and Maike Neufend and Isabel Steinhardt and Stefan Skupien}, title = {MapOSR - A mapping review dataset of empirical studies on Open Science} }
@article{kaleta2022stress, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31766-7}, year = {2022}, volume = {13} month = {7}, journal = {Nature Communications}, author = {Michaela Kaleta and Jana Lasser and Elma Dervic and Liuhuaying Yang and Johannes Sorger and Ruggiero Lo Sardo and Stefan Thurner and Alexandra Kautzky-Willer and Peter Klimek}, title = {Stress-testing the Resilience of the Austrian Healthcare System Using Agent-Based Simulation} }
@article{lasser2022simulation, url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/dmvm-2022-0036}, year = {2022}, volume = {30} month = {6}, journal = {Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, author = {Jana Lasser and Timotheus Hell}, title = {Simulation der Ausbreitung der SARS-CoV-2-Variante Omikron an einer Universität} }
@article{lasser2022assessment, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciac340}, year = {2022}, month = {5}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases}, author = {Jana Lasser and Timotheus Hell and David Garcia}, title = {Assessment of the effectiveness of Omicron transmission mitigation strategies for European universities using an agent-based network model} }
@article{lasser2022assessing, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28170-6}, year = {2022}, month = {1}, journal = {Nature Communications}, author = {Jana Lasser and Johannes Sorger and Lukas Richter and Stefan Thurner and Daniela Schmid and Peter Klimek}, title = {Assessing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures in Austrian schools by means of agent-based simulations calibrated to cluster tracing data} }
@article{kafedjiska2022mental, url = {https://www.universitaetsverlagwebler.de/_files/ugd/7bac3c_6974dfc41c054e3b94ff8590718fe819.pdf}, year = {2022}, month = {3}, journal = {{Zeitschrift f\"ur Beratung und Studium"}}, author = {Ivona Kafedjiska and Lea Heckmann and Vanessa Pires and Panuri Saxena and Jana Lasser}, title = {The Mental Health Crisis among Doctoral Researchers – Findings and Best Practices} }
@article{natale2021emojical, url = {https://janalasser.github.io/CSS-lab-christmas-2021/Emoji_HPS2021.html}, year = {2021}, month = {12}, journal = {CSS lab holiday paper series}, author = {Anna Di Natale and Emma Fraxanet and Max Pellert and Jana Lasser and Hannah Metzler and Alina Herderich and Segun Aroyehun and Apeksha Shetty and David Garcia}, title = {🤌 and its meanings: An emojical study} }
@article{lasser2020agent, url = {https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2021.0608}, year = {2021}, month = {12}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Society Interface}, volume = {18}, issue = {185}, author = {Jana Lasser and Johannes Zuber and Johannes Sorger and Elma Dervic and Katharina Ledebur and Simon David Lindner and Elisabeth Klager and Maria Kletečka-Pulker and Harald Willschke and Katrin Stangl and Sarah Stadtmann and Christian Haslinger and Peter Klimek and Thomas Wochele-Thoma}, title = {Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies} }
@techreport{lasser2021ichbinhanna, url = {https://www.gew.de/fileadmin/media/publikationen/hv/Hochschule_und_Forschung/Broschueren_und_Ratgeber/IchbinHanna.pdf}, author = {Jana Lasser}, title = {#IchbinHanna – Analyse von Reichweite und Dynamik auf Twitter}, institution = {Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft}, address = {Reifenberger Str. 21, 60489 Frankfurt am Main}, month = {9}, year = {2021} }
@article{Lasser2021, doi = {10.1093/jas/skab294}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab294}, year = {2021}, month = {10}, journal = {Journal of Animal Science}, author = {Lasser, Jana and Matzhold, Caspar and Egger-Danner, Christa and Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit and Steininger, Franz and Wittek, Thomas and Klimek, Peter}, title = Integrating diverse data sources to predict disease risk in dairy cattle – a machine learning approach} }
@misc{kismihok2021researcher, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.5559806}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/5559806}, author = {Kismihók, Gábor and Cahill, Brian and Gauttier, Stéphanie and Metcalfe, Janet and Mol, Stefan T. and McCashin, Darragh and Lasser, Jana and G\"{u}neş, Murat and Schroijen, Mathias and Grund, Martin and Levecque, Katia and Guthrie, Susan and Wac, Katarzyna and Dahlgaard, Jesper and Adi, Mohamad Nadim and Kling, Christina}, keywords = {mental health, well-being, researcher mental health, work and organisational psychology, ReMO, research culture}, language = {en}, title = {Researcher Mental Health and Well-being Manifesto}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2021}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }
@article{lasser2021power, title = {Power abuse and anonymous accusations in academia – Perspectives from early career researchers and recommendations for improvement}, year = {2021}, journal = {Beitr\"age zur Hochschulforschung}, author = {Lasser, Jana and Bultema, Lindsey and Jahn, Anja and L\"offler, Michaela and Minneker, Veran and van Scherpenberg, Cornelia}, volume={1-2}, pages = {48--61}, url = {https://www.bzh.bayern.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Publikationen/Beitraege_zur_Hochschulforschung/2021/2021-1-2-Lasser-Bultema-Jahn-Loeffler.pdf} }
@article{lasser2020stability, title={Stability and dynamics of convection in dry salt lakes}, author={Lasser, Jana and Ernst, Marcel and Goehring, Lucas}, journal={Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.225}, year={2021} }
@misc{lasser2021small, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4613202}, url = {https://pypi.org/project/scseirx/1.3.0/}, author = {Lasser, Jana}, title = {Agent based simulation of the spread of COVID-19 in confined spaces}, publisher = {PyPi}, year = {2021}, copyright = {MIT license} }
@article{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4596397, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.4596397}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/4596397}, author = {Scherpenberg, Cornelia and Bultema, Lindsey and Jahn, Anja and L\"{o}ffler, Michaela and Minneker, Vera and Lasser, Jana}, title = {Manifestations of power abuse in academia and how to prevent them}, publisher = {Elephant in the Lab}, year = {2021}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }
@article{yarringon2020impact, title={Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health among 157,213 Americans}, author={Julia S. Yarrington and Jana Lasser and David Garcia and Jose Hamilton Vargas and Diego Dotta Couto and Thiago Marafon and Michelle G. Craske and Andrea N. Niles}, journal={Journal of Affective Disorders}, pages={64--70}, year={2021}, }
@article{garcia2020oh, url = {https://dgarcia-eu.github.io/Friends_HPS2020/}, year = {2020}, month = {12}, journal = {CSS lab holiday paper series}, author = {David Garcia and Hannah Metzler and Jana Lasser and Max Pellert and Anna Di Natale}, title = {Oh my God: The linguistic influence of the TV series Friends}, }
@article{lasser2020introductory, title={Introductory data science across disciplines, using Python, case studies, and industry consulting projects}, author={Jana Lasser and Debsankha manik and Alexander Silbersdorff and Benjamin Säfken and Thomas Kneib}, journal={Teaching Statistics}, pages={S190--S200}, volume={43}, issue={S1}, year={2020}, }
@article{lasser2020surface, title={Surface and subsurface characterisation of salt pans expressing polygonal patterns}, author={Lasser, Jana and Nield, Joanna M and Goehring, Lucas}, journal={Earth System Science Data}, pages={1--31}, year={2020}, publisher={Copernicus GmbH} }
@article{Lasser2020, doi = {10.22323/2.19050801}, url = {https://doi.org/10.22323/2.19050801}, year = {2020}, month = sep, publisher = {Sissa Medialab}, volume = {19}, number = {05}, author = {Jana Lasser and Verena Ahne and Georg Heiler and Peter Klimek and Hannah Metzler and Tobias Reisch and Martin Sprenger and Stefan Thurner and Johannes Sorger}, title = {Complexity, transparency and time pressure: practical insights into science communication in times of crisis}, journal = {Journal of Science Communication} }
@article{DesvarsLarrive2020, doi = {10.1038/s41597-020-00609-9}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00609-9}, year = {2020}, month = aug, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, author = {Amélie Desvars-Larrive and Elma Dervic and Nils Haug and Thomas Niederkrotenthaler and Jiaying Chen and Anna Di Natale and Jana Lasser and Diana S. Gliga and Alexandra Roux and Johannes Sorger and Abhijit Chakraborty and Alexandr Ten and Alija Dervic and Andrea Pacheco and Ania Jurczak and David Cserjan and Diana Lederhilger and Dominika Bulska and Dorontinë Berishaj and Erwin Flores Tames and Francisco S. àlvarez and Huda Takriti and Jan Korbel and Jenny Reddish and Joanna Grzyma{\l}a-Moszczyǹska and Johannes Stangl and Lamija Hadziavdic and Laura Stoeger and Leana Gooriah and Lukas Geyrhofer and Marcia R. Ferreira and Marta Bartoszek and Rainer Vierlinger and Samantha Holder and Simon Haberfellner and Verena Ahne and Viktoria Reisch and Vito D. P. Servedio and Xiao Chen and Xochilt María Pocasangre-Orellana and Zuzanna Garncarek and David Garcia and Stefan Thurner}, title = {A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to {COVID}-19}, journal = {Scientific Data} }
@article{lasser2020creating, title={Creating an executable paper is a journey through Open Science}, author={Lasser, Jana}, journal={Communication Physics}, year={2020}, doi={10.1038/s42005-020-00403-4} }
@article{pellert2020dashboard, title={Dashboard of sentiment in Austrian social media during COVID-19}, author={Pellert, Max and Lasser, Jana and Metzler, Hannah and Garcia, David}, journal={Front. Big Data}, year={2020}, doi={10.3389/fdata.2020.00032} }
@article{wu2019perceptions, title={Perceptions of publication pressure in the Max Planck Society}, author={Wu, Charley M and Regler, Benjamin and B{\"a}uerle, Felix K and V{\"o}gele, Martin and Einhorn, Laura and Elizarova, Sofia and F{\"o}rste, Stefanie and Shenolikar, Justin and Lasser, Jana}, journal={Nature human behaviour}, volume={3}, number={10}, pages={1029--1030}, year={2019}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group} }
Picture © 2020 Judith Affolter
I am an outspoken advocate of Open Science and research integrity and am open to sharing my expertise as a researcher and academic in interviews, as conference speaker and on discussion panels. Don't hesitate to contact me to speak about the following topics
I am open to teaching seminars and holding workshops about
Jana Lasser
IDea_Lab at the University of Graz
Research group for Complex Social and Computational Systems (CS)²
Leechgasse 34
8010, Graz
Mail: jana.lasser@uni-graz.at
Twitter: @janalasser
Bluesky: @janalasser.bsky.social
ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-4580
GitHub: JanaLasser